'“Here dog, it’s hot in here, isn’t it? Sorry, but my aircon needs a bit of gas.”
Shane wound down the ute’s side window and the dog rose and leant away from him. With its paws on the armrest, the dog poked its tongue out and sniffed. Shane laughed because he knew this joy. He’d done it himself: stuck his head out and felt the wind and sun on his face, a caress of light and air.
Shane and Diane met on an interstate bus travelling from Adelaide to Sydney. Diane was nestled against the window and Shane took the aisle seat next to her. He noticed everything about her. She wore a brown terry towelling tracksuit and white T-shirt, ate oven- baked potato chips, and sipped from a bottle of mineral water. She was listening to music and playing Candy Crush on her phone.'
Excerpt from Idiot & Dog, a story in We Rose Up Slowly
Buy We Rose Up Slowly online here (free shipping in Singapore).